Our firm provides enforcement services in both the Netherlands and Poland.
Individuals, companies, partnerships and sole proprietors who are facing unpaid debts can count on the legal assistance rendered by our law firm, LAW OFFICES Remigiusz Gołębiowski. We offer expert legal counsel in the debt collection process, safeguarding the interests of the creditor while ensuring that enforcement procedures remain lawful and do not violate the rights of the debtor as guaranteed by law.

Our law firm provides comprehensive legal assistance related to enforcement proceedings for both companies and individuals.

The most common debt enforcement services rendered by our firm in representing the interests of creditors in Poland include:

  • Drafting motions to initiate, suspend, halt or resume enforcement proceedings;
  • The enforcement proceedings against the debtor's assets - e.g. enforcement against movable property, real estate, remuneration for work, bank accounts;
  • Drafting complaints against the actions taken by the bailiff;
  • Drafting appeals within the course of the enforcement proceedings (complaints against the distribution plan of proceeds from the sale of a business or a farm, complaints against the plan for distribution of the proceeds from enforcement, complaints against awarding the bid, objections against the plan for distribution of the proceeds from enforcement);
  • Overseeing the bailiff’s activities and assisting the bailiff in their duties;
  • Petitioning the Court for the issuance of a writ of execution in lieu of a lost one;
  • Petitioning the Court for the issuance of an enforcement order against the debtor's legal successors (heirs, purchaser of an enterprise or a farm);
  • Petitioning the Court for the issuance of an enforcement order against the debtor's spouse, bankruptcy trustee, partner in a civil law partnership, partner in a partnership;
  • Issuing an order to the debtor to disclose their assets,
  • Effecting security of the claim (e.g. registration of a compulsory mortgage on the debtor's property).

In the Netherlands, we handle enforcement requests.

The legal services provided by our law firm include legal assistance at every stage of enforcement proceedings, including for clients who have obtained a final judgment or order for payment and would like to use the services of a specialist to expeditiously refer the case to the bailiff and choose the most effective method of enforcement against the dishonest debtor.

Our firm's enforcement law specialists can also help you communicate with the creditor to determine the principles of amicable repayment of the debt. As the creditor may, for example, agree to withdraw the enforcement application from the bailiff, which will be tantamount to discontinuing the enforcement. Alternatively, it is also possible to file a motion to secure certain claims by suspending pending enforcement proceedings until the final resolution of a specific case.

Given the unique nature of each enforcement proceeding, a consultation with one of our enforcement law specialists is imperative to formulate a comprehensive plan of action.

Assistance to creditors and debtors is invaluable in many situations. Our Law Firm's experience and many years of practice in this unique and challenging field guarantees clients legal assistance at the highest level.



We invite you to contact our law firm to discuss your specific situation and receive expert legal counsel. During challenging times, we are dedicated to supporting our clients and helping them find a way forward.

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